More than 20 million people in our country suffer from visual impairment or blindness

The World Health Organi-zation (WHO) has warned that children under the age of two should not be given a phone at all as their eye-sight and vision are being formed during this time

Pakistan is the third-largest country in the world in terms of the number of eye patients
More than 20 million people blind
More than 20 million people blind
More than 20 million people in our country suffer from visual impairment or blindness

Eyes are a great gift of nature Eyes are a great gift of nature, without which life is dark. Eye light,sight, and sight are called vision.

Vision is the most important thing in the human senses, so the eyes should be protected so that the eyes are always sharp.

When children start using a computer screen as well as a smartphone, the risk of far-sightedness can increase up to 80%. This has been revealed in a recent study.

Children's Eyesight Is At Risk

Eyes are a blessing from God but many of us parents are deliberately pushing our children towards darkness.

We can observe this at any event where the child cries a little, is a little stubborn, and the parents immediately take the mobile out of the pocket and put it in the hands of the children.

What children are watching is a different matter. The interesting thing is how close their screen exposure is and how close they are. Or playing a game.

But parents continue to engage in their routine, ignoring this important issue altogether.

The Rate At Which Children Get Glasses

In less than a decade, the rate of cataracts in children between the ages of 13 and 16 has almost doubled. It is caused by pressure on the eyes, blurred vision, and impaired vision.

Researchers say that in 2018, 35% of people between the ages of 13 and 16 needed glasses, compared to 20% in 2012.

Children's Mental Health Is Also Affected Along With Vision

While rapid advances in technology around the world have reduced hours of travel to a matter of moments, traditional correspondence has been limited to a single click of the mouse,

While those who play the role of the aorta in this technology Smartphones have given architects of the future a new problem.

Protect Children From Smartphones And Tablets

A new survey warns that young children in particular should be kept away from smartphones and tablets because constant screen exposure increases their chances of developing myopia by up to 80%.

According to a report published in the leading medical research journal Lancet, Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge surveyed about 3,000 people, ranging in age from three months to 33 years.

In a questionnaire, they asked him questions about looking at the screen of a smartphone or tablet and tested his eyesight.

It has been revealed that especially when children start using computer screens as well as smartphones, the risk of far-sightedness can increase up to 80%, while if the use of smartphones or tablets only increases, the risk is higher than others. I reach 30%.

When Vision Is Affected

From the beginning of adolescence, children's eyes continue to develop and their vision also changes.

As time goes by, near or far vision is affected, the symptoms of which are not known to children or parents. You know, that's why it's important to check your eyes from time to time.

It is feared that by 2050, the number of blind people worldwide will exceed one billion and fifteen million if various vision-related disorders are not diagnosed and treated properly.

World Health Organization Report

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned that children under the age of two should not be given a phone at all as their eyesight and vision are being formed during this time.

However, it was warned that children between the ages of two and five should be kept in front of the screen for only one hour. This is because many aspects of vision last for five years.

The Situation Of Eye Diseases In Pakistan

Pakistan is the third-largest country in the world in terms of the number of eye patients.

More than 20 million people in our country suffer from visual impairment or blindness, including three million children, while 80 percent of these patients die of trauma.

Although cataracts can be rehabilitated through surgery, the majority of them suffer from complete loss of sight due to lack of resources, unavailability of surgery, or delay in treatment. Are forced to live.

In Corona (COVID-2022), Children Are Using More MobilePhones

During the COVID 19 epidemic, the number of children and their phone calls began to increase.
The reason for this is the ban on going out and on the other hand online education.

Perhaps the situation in Pakistan will not be any different as parents are immediately acquitting their children by handing over their smartphones.

Medical experts say data from thousands of children show how smartphones and tablets are affecting children's vision and even impaired vision in adolescents.

In this way, the relation of the negative effects on the eyes of the screen has become very clear.

We need to encourage our children to engage in positive activities and make them accustomed to minimal use of mobile phones or tablets.

By doing this we can not only save their eyesight but also improve their mental health.

Author : Fahim

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